Points for Real Time Reviews

We want reviews from real customers and patrons. You will find that you are not earning points if for example you review 5 places in an hour. Below are how points are earned for real time reviews.

•  0 points for reviewing
•  a department store, for example Target
•  a supermarket, for example Whole Foods
•  with a comment not relevant to a review
•  with a photo not relevant to a review
•  a place after hours or closed
•  a place that is out of business
•  the same place(s) most every day
•  1 point for a review with a comment
•  2 points for a review with a photo
(total of 3 points for a review with a comment and photo)
•  4 points more for a top review
(very informative comment and photo for a bar/lounge/restaurant during peak hours)

Note: Remember a real time review does not need to be a positive review to earn points or qualify as a top review. A less than positive review can earn as many points and can be as useful to other Hotspotters.